Wednesday 29 September 2010

50 Stories For Pakistan

You may remember me talking about Greg McQueen's book 100 Stories For Haiti in previous posts,the proceeds of which went to the Red Cross Haiti Appeal to help victims of the Haiti Earthquake which struck in January 2010.

The tireless man has been at it again.
In his words:
“Once again I have found myself in the position where I cannot ignore the need to do something. This time it is Pakistan … The United Nations estimates that twenty million people have lost their homes as a result of the flooding that started last July. Add to this the thousands who have already lost their lives, and the thousands who will lose their lives because of famine and disease … And well, it is once again time to do something!”
– Greg McQueen

He appealed for writers to donate stories to 50 Stories For Pakistan and I am delighted that one of my stories, Lines, is included in the anthology! The book is being put together in record time and will be hitting bookshops soon... I will let you know the release date once it is announced and will put up links to Amazon etc. All proceeds will go towards the Red Cross Pakistan Floods Appeal you can click on this link to donate now or see the work that the Red Cross have been doing.

1 comment:

Nik Perring said...

Excellent news (and project!). Huge congrats!