Saturday 20 August 2011

Static Poetry IV and Bye Bye, Mrs Josie Cat

Good news and *sniff* sadder news today.

First, the good news. Three of my poems are in the Static Poetry IV anthology, which you can find on Amazon and various other places.

You may remember my story Fourth Breeding appeared in Static Movement, their fiction e-zine, so it's nice to be back with them.

The sadder news (but it's happy really) is that our foster cat Josie has found a forever home after over a year living with us. I took her down to DC last week to meet her new family, who are utterly lovely (they gave me biscuits and tea in a real tea pot, so they must be nice).

We are still left with our enormous fluffy cat Grant (aka Mr. Fluffy Cat) who has been a bit down since Josie left and in need of extra cuddles, poor thing.

Let's remember Josie and some of the strange places she used to sleep:

'Helping' me write.

Christmas hamper.

In the closet.


Please don't recycle you kitties!

Bye bye, Mrs Josie Cat - may you have a very happy life with your new Forever Family.

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